Thursday, July 14, 2011

Alaska Airlines flies fewer passengers in June - Portland Business Journal:
The airline, a subsidiary of (NYSE: ALK) of reported the number of revenude passengers fell by nearly 9 percentto 1.4 millionb from 1.54 million in 2008. The airline’s available seat miles (the numbet of seats available multiplied by the number ofmilea flown) dropped by more than 4 percent to 2 billion from 2.1 billion a year And its revenue passenger milesw (the number of revenue-payiny passengers multiplied by the distance traveled in fell to 1.6 billion from 1.7 billion in 2008. The airline’x passenger load factor (percentage of availabl seats occupiedby fare-payint passengers) rose to 80.7 percent from 79.5 percent a year Its on-time performance rose to 84.
5 percent from 77.8 percenty in June 2008. The airline reported a similar declinde in passengerslast month. At sistet airline Horizon Air, revenue passenger miles fell 9 percent to 226 millionj from 248 million a year earlier and available seat milese fell by nearly 11 percent to 284 millioj from 319 millionin 2008. The numbe r of revenue passengers fell 10 percen tto 608,000 from 678,000 a year earlier. Horizon’s passengee load factor rose to 79.4 percent from 78 percenty andits on-time performance rose to 88.6 percent from 84.7 percentg a year earlier.
Horizonm Air is the largest and Alask a Airlines is the thirdlarges commercial-passenger airline at Portlansd International Airport, according to the Portland Business Journal’s 2009 Book of Lists.

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